If you are born again; if 

you have accepted Christ as your Savior, you are not who you used to be! You are a new creation in Christ. Knowing and understanding your new identity is the foundation and fundamental to spiritual growth.

A key aspect of a believer’s spiritual growth is simply understanding who you became the moment you believed and accepted Jesus into your heart. Of course, you know your name, your DOB, the social values and norms that you were raised with. But you should know that at salvation you were ‘crucified’ with Christ and that Christ now lives in you! (Galatians 2:20). Yes, really!

God establishes a union between Christ and believers such that what happened to Christ is counted by God as happening to us. The moment we are saved, Christ death and resurrection are applied to us through faith (Romans 6:5). In God’s view, our spiritual death happened on the day Christ died for our sins. Our union with him at salvation means we are completely and finally dead to the guilt and power of sin. Our old life, the old sinful self is dead and gone (Romans 6:4). This spiritual death means sin is no longer the definition of who we are and need not control us anymore.

Our problem with sin is now a problem of overcoming the flesh which is the house we live in, not the essence of who we are in Christ. To make this a reality in your life, always consider yourself to be dead to sin, but alive to God through Christ resurrection (Romans 6:11). Christ arose to a new life and so did we.

The Bible says ‘if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation…” (2 Corinthians 5:17). No matter how old you are, when you accept the Lord Jesus as savior and Lord, you instantly become a new person with a new identity.

baby in white and red floral onesie lying on bed
baby in white and red floral onesie lying on bed